Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

Can you believe it is almost May? I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone. It seems like just yesterday we were all learning how to sit quietly and walk in a line.

I am so proud of everyone, they have come so far since the beginning of the year and are ready to be first graders! Keep up the great work at home and continue to practice over the summer so everyone gets a great jump start on first grade.

This week we have been learning about bugs. So far we have learned about spiders, butterflies, ants, ladybugs, and worms. Ask your child to tell you something about these bugs and see what they can tell you! Everyday we have been writing a fact about each bug so hopefully they will be able to tell you some interesting facts!

We have started our addition unit in math. Everyone is flying through it and are really excited to get to the "hard" stuff. I am hoping to get through addition and an introduction to subtraction before the end of the year.

We have some very exciting events coming up in the next couple of weeks. Friday, April 30th, is our AIMS water celebration. Since we had 100% AIMS turn out, the PTO puts on a water day for all grades. Kindergarten will go first thing in the morning and first thing when the afternoon class gets here. Please make sure you are sending your child IN their outfit to get wet. We will change into our dry clothes once the celebration is over. This will be a lot easier on everyone since they will only have to change one time. Students need to wear shorts and a colored t-shirt to participate in the water celebration. They also need a towel to dry off with as well as an entire change of clothes for after the celebration.

On Thursday, May 6th, we have our kindergarten celebration. Hopefully everyone got a gold paper home yesterday explaining all the details. Remember both AM and PM need to come to school in the morning on the day of the show so that we can have one giant run through before the big night. All students must come from 7:55am - 10:50am. We will be wearing our blue or red tshirts that you have brought to me before, students will be changing into their shirts once they come into the classroom. If you haven't brought in the shirt yet, please do so ASAP.

If you have any questions about anything, please contact me. Otherwise, I hope everyone has a great week!