Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mrs. King's Class

Today was an absolutely fantastic day. A big thank you to the parents who came in a helped us with all of our Thanksgiving Activities. A special thanks to Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Wright who did most of the prep work for today. You are AWESOME!

No stickers were put on Behavior Charts today we were just too busy!! Homework packets will come home on Monday-sorry I didn't want anyone worrying about homework over the holiday-except don't forget to READ! I will also collect the November Reading Charts and handout the Book It Coupons on Tuesday of next week.

The new Scholastic Book Order Forms have gone home-remember you can also order online. Last day to Order is December 8th so that the order will be back before Christmas. There are some great bargains perfect for stocking stuffers-some books less than a dollar!

A new snack list is will be e-mailed out today. I will sent hard copies home to anyone who might need them-just let me know if you don't get the e-mail.

I hope everyone has a great, safe Thanksgiving Holiday! See you all on Monday!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

This is a very short and exciting week in kindergarten. We are working hard on learning about the letter Y as well as lots of fun turkey projects to help decorate your house! We just finished up chapter 5 in math, numbers through 31 and we took our math test. Many of us are still struggling with counting, remembering our numbers and which order they should go in. Please continue to work on this at home. Next week we will be jumping back to chapter 1, patterning and sorting.

There is no homework packet this week, please look for a new packet on Monday the 30th.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, is our turkey trot. Remember to wear closed toed shoes.

There is no school for PM kids on Wednesday and AM kids get out at 11am, not the normal 10am.

Everyone is doing a great job on those little readers! If your child does not have a book yet, please continue to practice doing letters and letter sounds at home.

I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving break! If you have any question, please contact me.

Friday, November 20, 2009


A huge thank you to Mrs. Wright and Ms. Trowbridge for setting up our fish field trip. We had a scientist from Sharing Tails come to teach us about six native Arizona fish. We had so much fun making the puppets with matching colors and learning about their habitats. We all got a fish as a souvenir too!! Thanks again Mrs. Wright and Trowbridge!!!

Ms. Wolters' Class

We are almost finished with the alphabet; we just have q and u to go. We have been doing our reading groups the last 2 weeks. The kids are really doing great sounding out words and reading!!! I will start to send books home today with some of the students. In math we have been sorting by one or two attributes, i.e. "circle all the squares that are yellow." They have also been working hard in their journals. Next week is only 2 1/2 days so we will not be assigning homework. Please just read with your child and if they haven't mastered all the letters and sounds, continue to work on that. I am really pleased with the progress I am seeing with our class. It is so much fun watching them read!!! We are practicing some holiday songs which we would like to perform for you. I haven't chosen the date yet put it will be the last week before the December break. Tuesday is the turkey trot so PLEASE make sure the kids have proper shoes. The last few weeks we have not gotten our touchdown in P.E. because someone is wearing flip flops. We also have P.E. the fourth Wednesday of the month so if the students come with tennis shoes on Tuesday and Wednesday we will always be fine. Have a great weekend and thanks for all you do!!!
Ms. Wolters

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mrs. King's Class

Hello All,
As you may have noticed Progress Reports did not come home with your child today. Sorry that was my fault. I wanted to put together some of their work and an Orchard report to go with them and I did not get them all done before the end of the school day. They are now all complete and ready to go so they will be in folders tomorrow. So please look for them. The Orchard Report has a section for Phonemic Awareness and this was used as part of their grade. They should have mastered all 24 sections on this skill tree. Congratulations to those that have finished it. Those who have not will continue to work on it until it is completed. I will be changing some of the seating arrangements in the lab so that those that are struggling will have a chance to be more successful. Keep in mind also that Math scores may also be down a bit-that Chapter 5 was very difficult and the test is also included in the packet.

We are almost finished with the alphabet-just y and z this week and q and u next week. YEA! A few little books have begun to be sent home. I do stretch them out a bit the first couple of weeks because I don't have enough books of everyone to have those first few levels. If you child hasn't brought home the bag yet-not to worry they will soon.

We have finished chapter 5 and are going back to chapter 1. This is an easy chapter the introduction will come home tomorrow-it's about placement words, above, below, on, under, in and sorting.

The Scholastic book order is on it's way. Sorry there was a technical problem when I submitted it online and I didn't know it. I have everything worked out and it should be here shortly. Thanks for your patience.

There will be no homework on Friday-for the week of Thanksgiving-except to keep READING!!!

Don't Forget the Turkey Trot here at school on November 24th and November 25th is a half-day. P.E. on Friday this week!

Mrs. Wright's Class

This is just a reminder that today is the last day to order books from Scholastic. There will not be another order until January, so if you are planing to get books for the holidays do so quickly. I will be sending the order Wednesday morning. I also want to remind everyone that there is a food drive going on at school for families who may need some extra help with a Thanksgiving meal. Any canned food or boxed food items will be appreciated.

We are having a super week...keep up the great work students!

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

This is a busy fun filled week! Remember, tomorrow, the 18th is our "field trip" at school. Both classes need to come from 8-10am. The students are really excited about this and can't wait to find out why they made fish sticks last week.

This week we are learning the letters J and E, we are also doing lots of fun turkey, Pilgrim, and scarecrow activities. I am also hoping to finish chapter 5 in math which is the conclusion of numbers through 31. Most of the kids are doing a fantastic job of counting all these numbers but there is still a few who are struggling. Make sure you are still practicing at home.

If you have not done so already, please return your family turkey project. They are hanging on the wall already and it is so neat to see all the great fun ideas that everyone came up with to decorate their turkeys.

Scholastic book orders were due yesterday, if you did not get a chance to order or send in your order, please do so ASAP or let me know if you are planning on sending in an order so I can wait to put yours in as well.

Next week is also a busy week, PM only has school on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, only AM comes from 8-11am. There is no school Thursday or Friday. Since it is such a short week, there is no homework packet going home. A new homework packet will be sent home Monday, November 30th.

Please continue to bring in those canned foods. Our school food bank has no food left on the shelves due to these hard times and we really need to work together to fill them up again. Anything you can donate would be appreciated, even if it is just a couple of cans!

I hope everyone is enjoying the little readers at home, the kids are so excited to read them to me and get a new one. If you have not received a little reader book at home yet, it is because your child still has not mastered their letters. Please work everyday with them on this task, everyone needs to know all their letters by winter break in order to be on track to first grade.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week! If you have any questions, please contact me.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mrs. Wright's Class

We had such a busy week last week that I had little time to post about all of the fun we were having in class. As you probably have already found out our letters we learned were J and E. The kids are able to brainstorm tons of words that begin with each letter and are constantly finding words in books and around the classroom that begin with our letters of the week. This week we will focus on letters Y and Z. We are nearly finshed with learning the alphabet. The kids definately have the letters mastered which leads me to say that the little books are going great! Everyone is anxious and willing to read and I have been receiving them on a daily and weekly basis. Thanks for your support with this!

In math we started a new chapter, position and sorting. We will get through this chapter quickly and will soon get on to exploring patterns which the kids love. Since we will be working with numbers throughout the year please continue to practice number writing and recognition at home. Thanks!

We have been talking about Thanksgiving and the many things we are thankful for. Our classroom is full of turkey birds and colorful fall art. We will be having a day of Thanksgiving exploration and crafts. Please feel free to join us on Monday, November 23rd at 1:00 pm for lots of fun. More info will be going home soon about this. A great week is in store for your child. Thanks again for your help and support!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

This week we are focusing on the letter V and doing some fun family activities. You may have noticed a new sheet in the homework packet this week, a questionnaire about your family, please fill that out and return it whenever you get a chance. Each student will get an opportunity to come to the front of the class and share that paper about their family. We will also be making family trees this week so practice with your child how to spell their siblings names!

Remember, tomorrow is Veterans day and there is no school. Next Wednesday is our "field trip" everybody needs to come to school 8-10am.

All this week and next is our non-perishable food drive. This food drive will directly help our community. All the food gets split up among families in our district. If you are able to donate any non-perishable foods for the food drive, please send them to school with your child. Non-perishable foods include peanut butter and jelly, cooking oil, tomato sauce, mac n cheese, not just canned items. Anything you can donate will be appreciated.

Yesterday, a turkey pattern went home. This is a fun family craft that is fun for everyone. You and your child are responsible for decorating your turkey in any way you see fit. Please return your decorated turkey by next Monday, the 16th so we can display them and get them home for you to display before thanksgiving. I am really excited to see all the great ideas everyone comes up with.

New Scholastic book orders also went home yesterday. This is the last book order until after Christmas break. Remember, books make great presents and stocking stuffers! Don't forget, you can order your books online. These are due back to me on the 16th.

user name: trowbridgekinder
password: scholastic

I hope everyone has a fabulous week, if you have any questions please contact me! Keep up the great work at home.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ms. Wolters' class

I am continually amazed at how awesome all of our parents are!!! We have had so many things going on and all of you just keep sending in donations, donating your time and supporting our classroom over and over. I can't thank you enough!!! We are working hard on our letters and blending the sounds to form words. Soon I will be sending home decodable books for you to practice reading at home. This week we are working on the letters J and E. We are doing great at spelling our color words; you have probably heard your child singing some of our color songs at the dinner table. In math we are working on some basic vocabulary such as: top, bottom, under, over, left and right. We should be able to fly through this chapter and get to sorting and patterning soon. We are working hard on writing in our journals and sounding out words. Thank you again for all your support.

Ms. Wolters

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mrs. King's class

Hi parents, it's been a bit of a long week this week. You may have noticed a few more green lights come home this week. We have been a bit chatty and hyper most of the week. Very typical for the week after Halloween in Kindergarten. Something about all that extra sugar. Hopefully we will settle down and get back to our great behavior habits next week.

We have been working very hard on those pesky teen numbers, as well as numbers over 20. They are starting to get it. We will probably try to get our Chapter 5 test in next week. We will continue to work on these numbers during large group and center time throughout the year as this is one of the most important things we learn in Kindergarten. We are almost finished with the alphabet. We have just a couple more letters to go. I will be starting the Book in the Bags the week of November 16th for those that have mastered on the sounds and are beginning to blend the sounds together. A letter will come home with specific instructions with the bag.

A big thanks to all of you who participated in collecting donations for the Juvenile Diabetes Walk and also those who came and walked with us. It was a fun event. We will be participating in the Turkey Walk here on our campus on November 24th.

Next week is also Character Always week at school. They are asking students to wear different colored T-shirts every day. The colors represent the pillars of character that we are working on. Monday is Green for Responsibility. Tuesday is Yellow or Gold for Respect. Thursday is Blue for Trustworthy. Friday is Orange for Fairness-or they can wear their favorite sports team shirt. There is a contest to see who can have the highest percentage of students from their class in these colors. So wear Green on Monday!!!

Don't forget the Veteran's Day Holiday on Wednesday next week. There will be no school that day. I will also be in Florence helping to facilitate a Reading workshop on Tuesday and Thursday next week. The same sub will be here for both days to help provide as much consistency as we can. I am sure that they will do a good job for her. I will be back in the classroom on Friday.

We will also be having an On-Site Field Trip here at school on Wednesday November 18th in the Library. It is about all about fish and should be a great learning experience for all of us.

Hope you all have a great but safe weekend and see you all on Monday!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mrs. Wright's Class

Today Scholastic Book Orders will be going home. The books included are great books to build your child's home library and most are catered to the beginning reading levels. I would encourage you to pick out a couple and give them as gifts for upcoming holidays or just as a token of love. There is one book featured for $1.00 in each of the orders and many are under $3.00. My kindergarten students love our classroom books and each time I put a new group of books out they are so excited to read them. Remember you can either send your paper order in with a check or order online. The following information is needed to log in to our Scholastic Ordering Site...

Go to:
Class User Name: twrightsimontonkinder
Password: Stallions

The order forms sent home have a due date of 11-10-09, since I did not get the orders out as soon as I wanted I will extend the due date until 11-17-09. Every time you order books our classroom gets to choose some free books as well. Order today!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mrs. Wright's Class

What a busy week it was last week, I still feel like we are on full speed. I guess it will be like this until after the holidays...we are having fun all the while. Thank you to all of the parents who graciously donated their time to our classroom this past week. Our "Read to Kids Day" on Wednesday was a huge success and our classroom had 38 readers. Thank you to each of the moms, dads and aunties who read to our class. Our party on Friday turned out wonderful as well! Our room moms did some good party planning and organizing and the many helpers (and hands) we had made everything run very smoothly. Without your help with donations and your time I could have not pulled off either event so...THANKS!

This week we will be learning letters V and X. In math we are just about done with Chapter 5 so we will be taking our test on Friday. For the month of November we will be talking about Thanksgiving and what things we are thankful for. We have also started our "Book It" program with Pizza Hut. Each month that your child meets our classroom reading goal (on the reading chart) they will earn an individaul pan pizza coupon good at any Pizza Hut. Keep up the great reading you are already doing. Well, as I said before the weeks ahead are busy, busy. Keep checking the blog for updates and information. One last thing...tomorrow is picture re-takes.

Thanks again for all of your help and contributions to our classroom!

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

Happy November! Can you believe October is already over? This week we are working on the letters W and X. We are also learning about shapes and where we can find them around the classroom. I am also hoping to finish up our math chapter about numbers. Please continue to work on numbers through 31 at home since there are still students that are getting confused.

A lot of students also got little readers home today, the little orange books. This is the beginning of our students learning to read. Please remember to read the story 3 times to make sure they are able to read it fluently. Some of them might be too easy for some so please don't hesitate to send it back quickly. If you have any questions on the reading program, please let me know. If you did not get a bag home today, your student is not quite ready to start reading, please continue to work on the letters and sounds at home so they can start reading as well.

We have lots of exciting things coming up in November including a "field trip". Notes went home today about it today, AM and PM will come to the morning session from 8-10am on November 18th.

This Friday, November 6th, we have our juvenile diabetes walk. Please return your yellow fundraising packets by then.

Tomorrow, November 2nd, is picture retakes. If you want your child's picture redone, please send the packet back to school with them.

Hope everyone has a great week! If you have any questions, please email me,