We had such a busy week last week that I had little time to post about all of the fun we were having in class. As you probably have already found out our letters we learned were J and E. The kids are able to brainstorm tons of words that begin with each letter and are constantly finding words in books and around the classroom that begin with our letters of the week. This week we will focus on letters Y and Z. We are nearly finshed with learning the alphabet. The kids definately have the letters mastered which leads me to say that the little books are going great! Everyone is anxious and willing to read and I have been receiving them on a daily and weekly basis. Thanks for your support with this!
In math we started a new chapter, position and sorting. We will get through this chapter quickly and will soon get on to exploring patterns which the kids love. Since we will be working with numbers throughout the year please continue to practice number writing and recognition at home. Thanks!
We have been talking about Thanksgiving and the many things we are thankful for. Our classroom is full of turkey birds and colorful fall art. We will be having a day of Thanksgiving exploration and crafts. Please feel free to join us on Monday, November 23rd at 1:00 pm for lots of fun. More info will be going home soon about this. A great week is in store for your child. Thanks again for your help and support!