Hello All,
As you may have noticed Progress Reports did not come home with your child today. Sorry that was my fault. I wanted to put together some of their work and an Orchard report to go with them and I did not get them all done before the end of the school day. They are now all complete and ready to go so they will be in folders tomorrow. So please look for them. The Orchard Report has a section for Phonemic Awareness and this was used as part of their grade. They should have mastered all 24 sections on this skill tree. Congratulations to those that have finished it. Those who have not will continue to work on it until it is completed. I will be changing some of the seating arrangements in the lab so that those that are struggling will have a chance to be more successful. Keep in mind also that Math scores may also be down a bit-that Chapter 5 was very difficult and the test is also included in the packet.
We are almost finished with the alphabet-just y and z this week and q and u next week. YEA! A few little books have begun to be sent home. I do stretch them out a bit the first couple of weeks because I don't have enough books of everyone to have those first few levels. If you child hasn't brought home the bag yet-not to worry they will soon.
We have finished chapter 5 and are going back to chapter 1. This is an easy chapter the introduction will come home tomorrow-it's about placement words, above, below, on, under, in and sorting.
The Scholastic book order is on it's way. Sorry there was a technical problem when I submitted it online and I didn't know it. I have everything worked out and it should be here shortly. Thanks for your patience.
There will be no homework on Friday-for the week of Thanksgiving-except to keep READING!!!
Don't Forget the Turkey Trot here at school on November 24th and November 25th is a half-day. P.E. on Friday this week!