Monday, October 19, 2009

Mrs. King's Class

Hi everyone!! I hope you all have had a great break and that everyone is rested and well for school tomorrow! I have had a great break and am ready to get back to our kindergarten work!

A big thank-you parents, we had 100% attendance for Parent/Teacher Conferences! I really enjoyed meeting with each family and discussing their child's progress! Keep up the good work at home.

We will be working on the letter "K,k" and reviewing all the other letters we have already introduced this week. We are also beginning to work with our first and last names and really concentrating on the numbers 0-20. We will be doing a morning activity everyday to help us practice these two areas. We started our handwriting program before break and will continue to really concentrate on forming the letters and writing them appropriately with the correct stroking motion. Please remember when practicing at home that we are using the D'nealian handwriting that is most like cursive writing and makes the transition much easier. Homework will come home tomorrow-less papers because it's a short week. If you don't get it all done by Friday-don't panic, you can always send it in next week.

I will be sending an e-mail reminding you about "Read to Kids Day". Please reply to the e-mail with a time you would like to come reading to us on Wednesday, October 28. We will receive a book for each adult that comes to read to us, so please try to work us into your schedule.

Also don't forget about Fall Festival on October 24, 2009. The presale for the wristbands for the kids activities is available this week, be sure to take advantage of the cheaper price. There will also be plenty of food, a silent auctions and lots of fun for all.

We have P.E. twice this week on Wednesday and on Friday so don't forget those tennis shoes both days. It is also Red Ribbon Week. Tomorrow is "Wear Red on your Head" so a hat or something fun in your hair that is red-just no red bandanna's because of the gang affiliation with the colored bandannas. Wednesday is "Wear red on your feet" so shoes, socks or other fun ideas.

Thursday is "Wear red accessories/jewelry" belts, ear rings, bracelets, rings, necklaces-home made stuff would be great. Then Friday is "Wear a red shirt or skirt" so wear as much red as you can!

Next week will be crazy with all the activities that will be happening so it will be frantic but lots of fun!!

Wednesday, October 28-Read to Kids Day

Thursday, October 29-Kindergarten Group activities in the AM

Friday, October 30-1:30 is the Character Parade and the Harvest Celebration to follow

See you all Tomorrow!