I just wanted to thanks the Fosters for host that wonderful swimming party. The food was great and the pool was a big hit with the adults and children alike. It was a wonderful afternoon! I am sure all that attended had a great time. I know I did. It was great getting to talk to parents and students outside the school environment. Thanks again to all who came a brought food, I truly enjoyed myself as I am sure everyone did.
Fund Raising packets are being sent home today. Children were instructed not to go door to door but to only sell to people they know. This is a huge event for our PTO so please be as supportive as possible. I know not all families will chose to participate and that is o.k. just send me back your packet. If you chose to participate there are snowflakes that are to be filled out for each item sold-you may have to make extra copies if you are great salespeople. The packets are due back to me in two weeks along with all the money. We have a great PTO that is very supportive of the teachers and children in the classrooms. All the moneys earned come right back here to Simonton.
Also be on the lookout for some calendar markers-these are little square cardboard cutouts that have disappeared from my room. They are two sided with a green book on one side and a red apple on the other side and the numbers 25-31 have disappears from my board. I have turn the room upside down, so they accidentally made their way into a backpack at the end of the day and they ended up at home I would greatly appreciate them being returned. I use them for our calendar and the set is no good without the last few numbers.
We have had our first phonics test and will take our first math assessment this week. So make sure you are practicing those numbers, letters and sounds at home. Letters this week will be Cc and Aa (short sound only). We will move on to numbers 6-10 by the end of the week.
Thanks for all your support.