Sunday, August 9, 2009
Ms. Wolters' Class
Well, we made it through the first week and the kids are doing a great job. We had a fire drill on Friday and the students did great at walking in the line and waiting quietly which is hard to do for the first week!!! The first day a few kids ate their snack for lunch and I apologize for this. The rest of the week I went through each backpack and made a list of who brought a lunch and who was buying. Hopefully by now they will understand the routine. To make things easier, please don't send a snack in a lunchbox so it is easy to identify who is bringing lunch. We sang a lot of songs and read lots of stories. We read "The Little Red Hen" which ties into the character counts traits of fairness and caring. The students were also able to verbally retell the story back to me and they also understood the fairness lesson. They are really off to a great start. Friday was our first special at library. They did not get to check out books but they will be able to next week. Tuesday is our P.E. day so please remember the tennis shoes. Wednesday we will have a rotating special; technology, P.E., music and library so please send them in tennis shoes on Wednesdays as well. I want to extend a huge thank you for all the supplies!!! Many of you sent tissues, paper and markers which is greatly appreciated!!!! With all the budget cuts we have limited supplies so I can't thank you enough for your contributions. I would like the students to keep their extra set of clothes in their backpack so that in the event of an accident, they can just take their backpack to get changed and avoid any further attention to the situation. Monday their folders will come home with the red, yellow and green light system. We will be sending out more information soon, but I expect most students to just stay on green all the time. If they change their light to yellow, they will have a chance to earn their way back to green which is very positive for the kids. On Monday I will be sending a laminated copy of the handwriting sheet home along with some paper. Please just practice writing with your child and pay close attention to where to begin with the pencil. This will help your child's transition from printing to cursive writing. Again, thank you for all you do. It has been a great first week!!!