We have had a busy couple of weeks! To catch everyone up to speed with what has been going on in class here are the highlights:
-we are reading and decoding words like crazy
-the students are learning to have an "ear" for ending and middle sounds in words
-we are writing in our journals and have talked about punctuation, capitalization and finger spacing between words
-our class loves books and we have been looking at different art techniques in stories that illustrators use...we have even tried a few
-we are rhyming real and nonsense words
-the kids have started learning about time
-we are studying and celebrating Black History Month
-it is Dental Health Month so we enjoyed a great presentation today about keeping our teeth healthy...thanks Dr. Goates!
-we can count to 100 by ones, fives and tens
-daily we are receiving our Flat Stanley's in the mail...the kids love it!
-we have made it through 6 of the Flat Stanley chapter books during our read aloud time after lunch...there is no stopping us now!
-we enjoyed our Valentine card exchange
-we are looking for signs that spring and warm weather is on its way
So in all, we continue to have fun with and while we are learning. Your kids are doing great and I look forward to bragging about each of them during our spring conferences in March. Without your support and involvement, their success would not be as grand as it is so...THANK YOU!