Can you believe this is the last week of February? Next week will be March and we are looking forward to learning new songs and poems. The last couple of weeks we have had a nursery rhyme competition going on between girls and boys on who can sing their nursery rhymes better. The students are really getting a kick out of this and I see them practicing their nursery rhymes every chance they get. Hopefully they are practicing them at home for you to hear as well!
This week we are focusing on middle sounds. Some students have already mastered hearing the middle sound and some need some extra practice. Encourage your student to sound out words at home and tell you what the middle sound is. Next week we will be moving on to the ending sound. Hopefully this will really help those struggling with sounding words out.
Please continue to work on those sight words. The list of sight words given out in the beginning of the year must be mastered before first grade. I already have had several students read me the whole ring! If you need another list of sight words, please let me know.
Hopefully most of you have read the posting to all kindergarten parents. Our kindergarten celebration is quickly approaching and we need t-shirts! AM students need a plain red shirt, and PM students need a plain navy blue shirt. We will be putting something special on these shirts so would like them all to be turned in by the end of March. Please write your child's name on the tag so we know it is theirs! Also, I know there are some families out there who may not be able to purchase a shirt, if you are unable to purchase a shirt, please let me know as soon as possible so I can make other arrangements.
This week we will be finishing up Chapter 6 in our math books, measurement and weight. The students have really enjoyed getting to measure different objects with unifix cubes as well as see how much things weigh. Our next chapter is time and money. Please start introducing your child to penny, nickle, dime, and quarter. This is learned purely by memorization so the more you introduce them to it, the quicker they will catch on.
I hope everyone has a great week, if you have any questions, please contact me.