I hope everyone had a fabulous 3 day weekend! This week we are going to concentrate on math, we are a little behind in math from the other classes so we will primarily be working on math. We are working on our measurement chapter. We are figuring out what would hold more and how much things weigh. This would be the perfect opportunity to have your students help you in the kitchen! Let them figure out what would hold more such as cups or bowls. This is a pretty easy chapter that they grasp easily so I hope to be done with it this week so we can catch up with the other classes.
Tomorrow the morning class will be participating in a dental presentation. We are hoping to learn lots since this is dental hygiene month. This would be a great opportunity to talk about the correct way to brush your teeth.
Please continue to practice writing sentences at home. We are working each day in our journals and some students are still struggling to fill in the blanks of the sentences. Also, remind your students while they are working on homework about the need for capital letters, spacing, and a period at the end.
Progress reports went home on Friday. Dibels scores were attached to them. If you have any questions about either of these, please let me know.
I hope everyone has a great week. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! ktrowbridge@jocombs.k12.az.us