Just very quickly I wanted to let you know that you have until tomorrow afternoon to put in your scholastic order. I know that a lot of you bought books at the book fair and that you may not be interested in any more books right now, but I just wanted to let any one who might want to take advantage of some of those $1 books that I will wait to send the order in tomorrow afternoon after school if you want to order online or send me your order in the morning! Thanks!!
A big thanks to everyone of you! We had 100% attendance at conferences and everyone came at their assigned time!! I keep saying I have the best group of parents in the school and once again you prove me RIGHT!! Your involvement and help is so appreciated I can't say thank you enough! You truly are the best parents ever!
We have lots of fun stuff coming up so stay tuned for more. Chaperon paperwork went home so if you did not receive any you are still welcome to meet us at the farm and be with your child during the field trip. You will just need to drive yourself and pay your own entrance into the farm. We think it $4.50 and then another $1.00 if you would like ice cream. Please let me know if you are planning to meet us and remember that no younger children may come with you.
Thanks for all you do!