Just a couple of reminders-there will be a mass e-mail sent out from the school with this information on it, but I thought I would also put it on our blog.
Fundraising Packets are not actually due until next Monday-September 21. If you sent yours in and are done that is fine I will go ahead and turn it into PTO. If you want yours back because you have more people who want to order things, just let me know and I will put it back in your child's green folder.
Picture Day is September 17. This is usually the time that they do class pictures and the pictures are on a pre-paid only status. So if you want a class picture please make sure to fill out the information on the envelope-they went home in green folders today-and payment for the package that you have chosen. Keep in mind there are lots of choices and if you don't like the pictures they will come back and do retakes. These are also the pictures that will appear in the yearbook. We are scheduled to take them at 8:30 am.
Mosquitoes have infested our playground. You may want to put bug repellent on your children before school each day. We can't apply it here at school so please if you are concerned apply it at home before them come to school. Mornings and later in the evenings seems to be the worst time for them.
Box Tops: We are collecting box tops. They are the pink labels on General Mills Cereals, Betty Crocker Items and other various manufactures. Just clip them off and sent them into the school by September 25 for this month. We turn them in every month and you don't have to wait you can send them in anytime. I have a little box that we keep them in.
I also sent home a flyer about the PTO Paper drive. The e-mail will also have that information in it.
There is also a PTO Bingo night coming up this week. It will be on Friday September 18th here at the school. A small reminder will go home in folders tomorrow.
I think that is everything-book orders are due next Friday, September 25. We have PE as our special this Wednesday so don't forget your tennis shoes on Wednesday and Friday this week!
Thanks again for all you do to support our classroom!