Friday, September 4, 2009
Mrs. Wright's Class
We had a fantastic week! Our class was busy learning about letters A and N, counting from 0-10, doing the DIBELS test and working on being a kid of character. One of our classmates was recognized for being responsible all week long and sat at the "Character Table" for lunch today. Each Friday a new student will be recognized for their job well done! Next week will be a short one, so we will only focus on one letter, D, and will continue Chapter 4 in math; numbers thru 10. Thank you to all of the parents who have made it in to the classroom so far. Your kids love seeing you here and I appreciate the extra set of hands! As you probably have read in a previous post, our class is in need of some donations. I would like to get the handwriting program started before the end of the month, but without the supplies it will not be possible. If you can make the play dough or have any of the items around the house that are not in use...we can use those too. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend and I will see you all on Tuesday ready to learn.