Hooray for 100% attendance and such good behavior today. Everyone in class earned a green light! Good job kindergarten students! This week you will be receiving your child's progress report for progress 1. There will be grades for Math, Reading and Language Arts (handwriting). Please take into consideration that the grades you see are only a reflection of the first 4 1/2 weeks. All of your kids have made big improvements and are doing super, however, if you should have questions about the grades please contact me.
Oops...I made a mistake and forgot to send homework in the folders on Friday. Many of you were asking about it and I realized that the packets were still in our " To Go Home File". So sorry you lost a couple of days to work on it. If you need to keep the packet through this weekend, that is fine. Please make sure it is turned it by Monday, September 14. Also, I have noticed a lot of paperwork in the "Keep" side of our folders. This side of the folder should be cleaned out NIGHTLY! Everything in the "Keep" side needs to stay at home. There was quite a bit of paperwork that went home today so please make sure you help your child empty out their folder. Thank You!
We are off to a great start this week and it is always a joy to have your kids!