Yay! We made it into September, everyone is doing a great job of getting into the routines of kindergarten and the class is almost running itself! "P" homework packets were due today. If you were unable to turn it in today please bring it on Tuesday. "A" homework packets went home today as well. If you did not get one, please let me know so your child can be getting all of their homework points.
Remember, we have no school on Monday and I will not be here on Tuesday either. We will be having Mrs. Banner for our sub. She is an excellent sub and I am completely confident that the class will run smoothly. I will be unable to answer notes or emails until Wednesday morning.
Next week is a short week so we will only be learning the letter D as well as continue learning numbers 6-10. As some of you may of heard, we have been doing dibels testing the last 2 weeks. Our schedule has been super crazy and we have joined other classes for a while. So if your student has been coming home telling you they were in a new class today, that is why. We are hoping to finish up testing today or next Wednesday at the latest.
Please look at the blog posting below. All of kindergarten is starting a new sensory handwriting program. Half day will be doing the program on Wednesday's, so all of Wednesday will be devoted to handwriting techniques and skills. If you are able to donate any of those items it would be greatly appreciated. We will be starting the program Wednesday, September 16th. If you have any questions about the program please let me know.
Remember, scholastic book orders are due on September 11th, this is a great way to build up your reading library at home. Our user name is trowbridgekinder and our password is scholastic. Thank you for your support!
I hope everyone has a great long weekend!