Another week of school has come and gone. It's been crazy. We are doing better on our behavior and I know with a little more work we can improve it even more.
I got several notes about the new homework calendar, so I thought I better clarify a few things for everyone. You will notice that we changed the calendar a little bit. There is no homework listed for Monday-it's a holiday, but there is homework on the first Friday. You are welcome to split up the homework however you need to so that it will meet your families needs. I know that some nights are busier than others so if you need to take a night off and split it up over the other days please do-if your week is just too busy and you need to do most of it on the weekend, that's ok too. We will not have homework listed on the second Friday, because it is due on that day and impossible for you to do. So from now on the only thing they have to do on that Friday is turn it in. Sorry for the confusion, we as a Kindergarten team are trying this new system and there will be a few minor changes that will need to be made. If you have any issue please send me a note or e-mail so we can address the issue. Homework is not meant to be a burden. Do what you can and if something on the list is not working for you-just put a little note next to it and say "we didn't do this one." If you want me to know the reason you can write it, if not that will suffice. The homework is meant to enhance and guide your educational interactions with your child at home. It is definitely not meant to intrude or cause difficulty for the family. You are always welcome to modify things to meet the needs of individuals and families.
We are definitely working hard and learning in our classroom. We have finally finished all the DIBELS Assessments for the Middle Benchmark and I will be sending individual student reports home next week so look for those in your child's folder. I have to brag a little our class as a whole did a terrific job. I am very proud of the progress of each student!! I didn't do it alone, it was with the help and support of each of my parents that we as a class were able to make such progress. So give yourselves a pat on the back too!!
In Math we have started Chapter 6 and we will be measuring everything in sight over the next couple of weeks.
Tuesday is the 100th day of school. There is a note with the homework about gathering 100 things to share with us on Tuesday. Please read it and follow the instructions so that you child can share with the class on Tuesday.
I hope you all have a great weekend! Happy Birthday to Trip and Joey this weekend!