Welcome Back!! I hope everyone had a great break. Thank you to everyone who helped out at our parties I think everyone had a great time. I would also like to thank everyone for the nice cards and gifts that I received before break, I truly felt like a rock star getting all of the attention and gifts.
This week we are going to be working on initial sounds of words. We are going to start sounding out and spelling simple words and be introduced to word families. We will also be writing in our journals everyday. In math we will be working on patterns, sorting, and what is similar or different about objects.
Some of you may have already noticed the new homework calendar. Since we have finished with our phonics sheets, we will be doing a two week calendar. This calendar needs to be put in a safe spot so it can be kept for 2 weeks. Each night your child should be doing all of the activities listed for the day. The last task on each week has to do with the little readers that come home in the bag. If your child does not have a little reader, please replace that task with practicing letter flash cards. This homework calendar is new for me and I am sure there will be some bumps along the way. I have attached paper to do the homework, if you need more please don't hesitate to send me a note or to attach your own paper. Homework can be turned in at the end of each week OR at the end of the two weeks if it would be easier to keep track of it all together. I am sure there will be some bumps to work through with this new procedure but it will definitely help reduce the number of copies made each week.
Report cards will be going home this week. If you have any questions on them, please contact me.
I hope everyone has a great week. If you have any questions, please contact me.