Monday, January 11, 2010

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

I hope everyone had a great first week back. I know we had a great time in our classroom. Everyone picked up right where they left off and seemed to be happy about being back in school. Last week we started our word families. Your students brought home word family sliders, one for the -am family and one for the -at family. Please encourage your student to read these with you. We also finished up chapter 1 in math and worked hard in our journals.

This week we will be working on chapter 2 in math as well as the -ug family and rhyming. Everyone is catching on really quick to everything I introduce. Keep up the great work at home.

A new homework format went home last week. Each calendar has 2 weeks on it so you will be using the same homework calendar this week as well. I know in my last blog I said you could turn it in weekly or biweekly but in order to keep everything together, I would appreciate it if you would hold on to it at home or in their folders and I will collect everything at one time. This way I don't lose track of who turned what in. The bottom box on each night is working with their little books. If your child does not have a little book that night, you may pick any book at your house or think back to a favorite little book. If your child is not getting little books yet, please take this time to practice the letters and sounds 5 times.

This Friday, the 15th, is our schools skateland party. This is always a fun time and I hope to see a lot of you there teaching your children how to skate!

Report cards and skills reports went home on Friday. Please let me know if you have any questions on them. I am proud of everyone of the tremendous progress they have made this year and know that everyone will continue to catch onto everything we learn.

If you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to ask.