Monday, January 25, 2010

Ms. Wolters' Class

Good morning!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I would like to send out a huge thank you to Ms. Jordan for donating a basket of sand toys for our kiddos!!! This is very much appreciated since we lost access to the preschoolers' toys when they relocated. I also want to thank Mrs. Arellano for offering to come in each week to help read with us. This is also appreciated greatly!! The more help I can get, the more your children will benefit.

In math we have been working hard on patterning and now we have moved on to measurement. We will be measuring everything in the room using different units of measure.

We have been working hard on our journals every day and the students are doing a great job. They help me sound out the words for our writing prompt and then they fill in the blank.

The kids are doing great with their little readers. Thank you for helping read with them at home as they can not wait to show me how well they are doing.

I saw a few comments on the survey about the homework being inadequate. If you feel the homework is too hard for your child, please adjust it accordingly. If you feel it is too easy there are plenty of websites you can go to for extra work such as

Thanks so much for all you do and have a great week!!!